Lake Township Park Improvements


A ribbon cutting will be held this month to mark the opening of a new feature at Lake Township Park in Bridgman. Township Treasurer Bob Clark tells WSJM News a renovation project two years in the making for the disc golf course is wrapping up. The disc golf course originally built in 2004 has expanded thanks to the 2016 purchase of ten acres next door. Clark says this expanded court will be a big improvement over the old one.

“It had several areas where it crossed roads, and because of the limited space, some of the holes were near areas where we have a soccer complex and close to those areas,” Clark said.

A ribbon cutting for the court will be at 5 p.m. on September 26. Clark says a new course design has been put in place with the installation of AstroTurf tee pads, improvements to the hole trails, and new signage. The park is located on Gast Road south of Snow Road.