February 22 walk to raise funds for Emergency Shelter Services


Emergency Shelter Services in Benton Harbor will hold a 5K walk next Saturday to raise funds for its programs.

Emergency Shelter Services Board Secretary Sarah Eades tells us The Coldest Night of the Year is a national event that calls on people to come out for walks to benefit non-profits in their community. In Benton Harbor, the event will support the three pillars of Emergency Shelter Services: the Family Shelter, the Six Degrees of Resale shop, and The Connection, a team of case workers who help people avoid becoming homeless.

Emergency Shelter Services is inviting people to sign up for the walk now.

We’re looking for teams to sign up and fundraise,” Eades said. “If you can’t get a team together, we encourage individuals to sign up to the ESS official team. We’re also still looking for volunteers to help us be route marshals.”

Eades says this is the first year Emergency Shelter Services is taking part in The Coldest Night of the Year, and its goal is to raise $20,000. So far, so good with about $6,400 raised and more than a week left to sign people up.

Eades says the evening will be a time for community and for reflection.

I think the Coldest Night of the Year, we want individuals to have that time to reflect on what it would be like to not have a home. Hardships, financial crisis, they can happen to anyone. This is not an uncommon thing within our community, and for everyone out there on the street, I think that’s somebody’s somebody.”

Eades says the 5K will begin at The Secret Garden in Benton Harbor at 5 p.m. on Saturday, February 22 with check-ins starting at 4. Participants will go on a walk through the Arts District, and then wind up back at The Secret Garden for a soup dinner. There will also be rest stops along the way for those that need them.

It’s free to sign up for the event, but those who take part are asked to make a donation or collect pledges. You can register right here.