A series of celebrations is underway at Niles Community Schools as the district completes several renovation projects at its buildings. Work has been done at Niles High School, Eastside Connections, Ballard Elementary School, and Niles Cedar Lane. Thursday brought a re-dedication of Eastside Connections, and Friday brought a re-dedication at Ballard Elementary School. Next week, they’ll celebrate at Niles High School and then Niles Cedar Lane the following week. The school district tells us thanks to the work, Niles High School now has a renovated science wing, equipped with updated lab stations, safety stations, flooring, windows, and furniture. Meanwhile, At Eastside Connections, there are new ceilings, lighting, heating systems, and a boiler system. Ballard Elementary School has received new ceilings, flooring, student desks, chairs, whiteboards, and new lighting. Finally, Oak Manor, now renamed Niles Cedar Lane after the program that will be housed there, has received security upgrades and a kitchen. Niles Community Schools Superintendent Dan Applegate says the renovations will serve the district for years to come.