Taking a sightseeing trip to Canada is now not possible for Michiganders, nor can Canadians come across the border for the next several weeks to enjoy a trip to Pure Michigan. President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have announced they’re closing the border to non-essential travel to try to slow down the spread of coronavirus.
“We have agreed that both Canada and the United States will temporarily restrict all non-essential travel across the Canada-U.S. border,” Trudeau said Wednesday morning in Ottawa. He added “essential travel” will continue.
“Our governments recognize that it is critical that we preserve supply chains between both countries. These supply chains ensure that food, fuel and lifesaving medicines reach people on both sides of the border,” added Trudeau. “Supply chains, including trucking, will not be affected by this new measure.”
Michigan has four border crossings with Canada: Sault Ste. Marie, Port Huron, the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, and the Detroit-Windsor tunnel. Construction continues on the new Gordie Howe International Bridge to link Detroit and Windsor.