Manufacturing is gearing up to resume in Michigan amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Governor Whitmer says automotive suppliers can resume work on Monday, with Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler slowly ramping up production on May 18.
“COVID-19 is still present in Michigan,” warned Whitmer. “It is present in 79 out of 83 counties. That’s why it’s terribly important that we not let our guard down now.”
At the same time, the Stay Home order is now extended through May 28. Whitmer says there will be plenty of safety measures taken by manufacturers including the requirement that the plants be fully cleaned and sanitized, workers wear masks or face shield, and workers stay at least six-feet apart whenever possible. Construction has resumed this week, as has real estate, and Whitmer says additional ramping up of the state’s reopening will happen dependent on the continued progress to lower the number of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.
Manufacturing facilities must also train workers on, among other things, how COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person, signs and symptoms of COVID-19, steps workers must take to notify the business or operation of signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or suspected or confirmed diagnosis, and the use of personal protective equipment. All businesses in the state-including manufacturers-must require masks to be worn when workers cannot consistently maintain six feet of separation from others, and consider face shields for those who cannot consistently maintain three feet of separation from other workers.
The governor’s new executive order can be viewed here.